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About Mount Assisi School Bhagalpur:-
The T.O.R Franciscans founded and run Mount Assisi School Bhagalpur, which is an English Medium coed school. St. Francis of Assisi is the school’s heavenly patron. The Franciscans of the T.O.R. run several schools in India and abroad where young people of all creeds, social classes, communities, and linguistic groups are educated in English and regional languages. These institutions are part of the Catholic Church’s effort to contribute to the educational understanding of the country.
Mount Assisi school Bhagalpur was founded on January 10, 1972. Although it is divided into Junior and Senior sections, it functions as a single entity with a single Principal and administration. Vice Principals are in charge of the school’s day-to-day operations. The Junior School is in the town’s centre. The campus has a peaceful and healthy atmosphere, which provides a conducive environment for learning and lifelong training.
The school takes a holistic approach to education, with the Christian and Franciscan ideals of universal brotherhood, love, peace, joy, and kindness, reinforcing students’ academic performance. Every Mount Assisi student exemplifies exemplary discipline, outstanding academic performance.
Mount Assisi school Bhagalpur has good ratings as per mount Assisi school Bhagalpur reviews on various social media channels. If you are a citizen of Bhagalpur, it comes under the list of best schools near me.
Mission And Vision Of Mount Assisi School Bhagalpur
Mount Assisi School Bhagalpur motto is “For God and Country.” The constant goal is to instil the values of “Service before Self” and the importance of doing one’s duty to one’s fellow beings before expecting rights. The Franciscan Society strives for whole-person development, enlightened leadership, social responsibility, and nation-building commitment. In the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi, the Franciscan vision of education is to instil the values of human dignity, brotherhood, and equality in the hearts of all people.
It has excelled in education, striving to produce dynamic and socially sound citizens for our country while respecting all castes, creeds, and religions and, most importantly, upholding the core value of human dignity in the name of God and Country.
There are multiple career opportunities in the school. You can easily apply for the mount Assisi school Bhagalpur teacher vacancy.
Mount Assisi School Bhagalpur Reviews
If we come to Mount Assisi school reviews, we find that it has a good rating. It has a rating of 4.3 stars on google. You can apply for the mount Assisi school Bhagalpur teacher vacancy from their official website. It is preferable by most people and comes under the list of mount Assisi school Bhagalpur reviews.

Mount Assisi School Bhagalpur – Best CBSE Schools in Bhagalpur
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Deepak Kumar
Excellent School with Great Facilities
Sebastin Benton
A Great School for Overall Development