
2 Review 0 Follower 0 Likes
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Symphony of Expertise and Compassion

Dr. Prakash's expertise extends beyond technical skills to encompass a profound understanding of patient psychology. He possesses an innate ability to connect with patients on a personal level, dispelling their fears and anxieties, and instilling in them a sense of trust and confidence. His gentle demeanor and empathetic approach make him a true healer, not just a dentist.

Posted by : nikita

posted date : 18 Nov 2023

Has good knowledg

Dr.Rekha Srivastava Gynaecologist Allahabad is very good by nature as well as acquire a good knowledge and one of the most experienced gynaecologist in allahabad. The other hospital doctors and nurses are not that efficient.

Posted by : nikita

posted date : 05 Jul 2022