
My wife was destroyed

My wife was destroyed by the incompetence of this doctor. She calls herself a reconstructive surgeon, but she’s really a destruction surgeon. My wife can’t look at herself in the mirror after what she did to her. The cancer diagnosis was bad enough and needing a mastectomy was hard to accept, but this doctor assured her that she would be able to help. Despite my wife’s request not to be made into a large-chested woman, Marissa Tenenbaum’s took it upon herself to insert huge implants. At her postoperative visit, when my wife was in pain from the huge implants and embarrassed by the huge chest, Marissa Tenenbaum was dismissive and condescending. We are in the midst of trying to find someone to repair the damage. Marissa Tenenbaum took it upon herself to make a bad situation so much worse. Shame on her. Did she pay for any good reviews she got? I believe so, considering the abysmal reviews I wish I’d seen before my wife entered this nightmare.